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Growth Groups

Growth Groups are For You

Growth Groups at Hope are designed to connect you not only with God's Word, but also with other Christians.


Your Spiritual Growth is Not Linear.

Spiritual growth is often like a roller coaster. It's up and down. Being surrounded by a group that cares about you in the high points and low points gives you community that can support you through it all.


We learn experientially.

Maybe the sermon doesn't do much for you in the moment because you're not going through what pastor is talking about right now. But when you are going through it, you will have people around you, Velcro'd to you, reminding you of what you know is true. 

How it Works

Group sessions last about an hour and focus on studying the scripture being covered on Sunday mornings and how it applies to our lives. No preparation required.

Learn more about Growth Groups at Hope by watching the video:

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How Do I Sign Up?

Find a group that works for you & your schedule, and register for an open spot on our groups page!